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Visitors Are Welcome!!

Regular meetings of the Baltimore Coin Club are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month*.  For a detailed list of meeting dates, please see the list of upcoming meetings and presentation topics further down this page.


Grace United Methodist Church

5407 North Charles Street

Baltimore, Maryland

(at the corner of Charles St and Northern Parkway)



7:15 pm - Members begin arriving

7:45 pm - Club coin auction

8:00 pm - Meeting begins promptly

9:00 pm - Meeting adjourns



A selection of soda and donuts are provided at each meeting.



Member sponsored auction

Club business

Show and Tell - (Members display recent acquisitions)

Theme program presentation - (A presentation on a numismatic tropic)

Door prizes

Are you planning to sell a coin at the member auction during an upcoming meeting?  Please complete the following form prior to the meeting and bring it with you:

Member Auction Submission Form

* Note that the first meeting in December is a "Holiday Dinner" sponsored by the members of the club instead of a regular meeting.  The dinner is held at our normal meeting location.

Also, the 1st meeting in April is a dinner at a local restaurant to celebrate the installation of the officers.


In the event of inclement weather, the Baltimore Coin Club follows the decision of the Baltimore City Schools.  If the city schools are closed or close early that day, the Baltimore Coin Club meeting will be canceled.The club officers will attempt to phone members to advise everyone of the meeting cancellation, however, phone communication cannot be guaranteed.  Please use your judgement as to whether you should attend the meeting during bad weather. 

Coins Featured On This Page

1883 Hawaii Quarter
1883 Hawaii 25c


Mintage:  500,000

1972 Lincoln Cent Double Die Obverse
1972 Lincoln Cent Double Die Obverse


Meeting Schedule


Meeting of the  Baltimore Coin Club

7:30 PM -

9:00 PM

Grace United Methodist Church

5407 N Charles St Baltimore, Md

Presentation Topic: TBD


Meeting of the  Baltimore Coin Club

7:30 PM -

9:00 PM

Grace United Methodist Church

5407 N Charles St Baltimore, Md

Presentation Topic: TBD


Meeting of the Baltimore Coin Club

7:30 PM -

9:00 PM

Presentation Topic: TBD

Grace United Methodist Church

5407 N Charles St Baltimore, Md


Meeting of the Baltimore Coin Club

7:30 PM -

9:00 PM

Presentation Topic: TBD

Grace United Methodist Church

5407 N Charles St Baltimore, Md

Baltimore Coin Club

Write Us

Club President

Al Samples

©2021 - 2024 by Baltimore Coin Club

We will respond to your email shortly!

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